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QEP Teams

Development SACSCOC Leadership Team

A SACSCOC Leadership Team was developed to guide the institution through the reaccreditation process. The SACSCOC Leadership Team was created in August of 2019, and its purpose and responsibilities were aligned with the directives of the Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation upon its creation. In particular, the SACSCOC Leadership team is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the development and implementation of the Quality Enhancement Plan.

SACSCOC Leadership Team

Dr. Jeremy McMillen, College President
Dr. Dava Washburn, Vice President of Instruction
Giles Brown, Vice President of Business Services
Dr. Debbie Smarr, Dean of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Logan Maxwell, Dean of the South Campus
Dr. Chase Machen, Dean of Academic and Workforce Instruction
Dr. Jordan Utley, Dean of Health Sciences
Dr. Molly Harris, Dean of Student Affairs
Brandi Furr, Director of Admissions and Registrar
Todd Ellis, Director of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Keri Harvey, Faculty – Education
Dr. Richard Davis, Chair for Arts and Humanities, Faculty

Upon the establishment of the Quality Enhancement Plan Steering Committee, Dean Bankhead invited several individuals to serve on the team and to assist with the selection of eleven initial topics put forth by GC faculty, staff, and administrators. The purpose of the QEP Steering Committee is to guide the selection process for topic (or topics) for the College's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for the SACSCOC 2021 Reaffirmation of Accreditation. The initial team included the following individuals

Mr. Giles Brown, Vice President of Business Services
Dr. Debbie Smarr, Dean of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Ms. Jennifer Steed, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Ms. Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Mr. Dwayne Barber, Criminal Justice Professor, Faculty Association President
Mr. Jonathan Warner, Nursing Professor
Ms. Dana Kermanian, Education/Government Professor
Dr. Chad Tomaselli, History Professor
Mr. Phil Le, Mathematics Professor
Ms. Sarah Garrett, Speech Professor
Ms. Dayna Ford, Mathematics Professor
Mr. Jim Johnson, Computer Science Professor
Dr. Sherry Cooke, Sociology Professor

Appointment of QEP Director

Once a topic was selected, Dr. Logan Maxwell, current Dean of South Campus, was appointed as QEP Director. Serving previously as the Chair of Mathematics and Engineering, Dr. Maxwell provided key guidance in the college’s previous QEP on redesigning its developmental mathematics program. Familiar with the responsibilities,
expectations, and reporting aspects of the QEP, Dr. Maxwell had the knowledge and experience to develop a successful QEP. In addition, her continuous communication and work with the advising team with developmental math students on the last QEP already enabled her to work well with the Success Coaches and help redesign the advising
department for this QEP.

QEP Steering Committee

The current QEP Steering Committee was adjusted to include individuals who were deemed appropriate to support the chosen QEP topic.
Dr. Logan Maxwell, Dean of South Campus, Chair
Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Rhea Bermel, Director of Marketing and Communications
Dr. Richard, Davis Chair of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Wade, Graves Chair of Business and Entrepreneurship
Lori Hoover, Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Dana Kermanian, Chair of Public Services
Dr. Patrice Parsons, Biology Professor
Marlene Phillips, Director of Advising and Outreach, CWL
Avery Wageman, Recruiter

QEP Steering Committee Sub-Committee Membership


Lori Hoover, Associate Degree Nursing Professor
Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Dr. Logan Maxwell, Dean of South Campus
Anderson Zhu, Statistician


Giles Brown, Vice President of Business Services
Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Carol Pace, Accounting Professor
Dr. Patrice Parsons, Biology Professor
Marlene Phillips, Director of Advising and Outreach, CWL

Literature Review:

Dr. Richard Davis, Chair of Arts and Humanities
Dana Kermanian, Chair of Public Services
Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Dr. Logan Maxwell, Dean of South Campus
Mark Taylor, Director of Testing, Tutoring, and Disability Services


Rhea Bermel, Director of Marketing and Communications
Joanna Bryant, Culinary Arts Chef Professor
Dana Kermanian, Chair of Public Services
Dr. Patrice Parsons, Biology Professor
Marlene Phillips, Director of Advising and Outreach, CWL
Avery Wageman, Recruiter


Dr. Wade Graves, Chair of Business and Entrepreneurship
Robbie Trissel, Director of Administrative Computing
Nancy Luthe, Director of Success Coaches
Brandi Furr, Director of Admissions and Registrar
Anderson Zhu, Statistician