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What are honors classes? 

Sections of core curriculum classes designated Honors in the title share this perspective:

  • Class environments encourage interaction between students and faculty
  • Small classes are exciting because they emphasize building confidence through learning
  • Requirements are "built-in," not "added-on"
  • Classes are noted as "Honors" on your official transcript
  • Classes are foundational courses in a variety of disciplines
  • The first two years of college represent the common ground for competition and excellence, for setting the pace of outstanding achievement leading to successful transfer to selective four-year colleges and universities

Does a student have to apply to GC's Honors College to enroll in an honors section? 

No - anyone can try an Honors course to see if it is for them!  You are encouraged, however, to meet with Professor Garrett to discuss the expectations and specific requirements of participating in the Honors College.

What classes are offered as Honors?

Honors courses are offered in a variety of academic disciplines so students of any major can enroll. For the current list of class offerings, please contact Professor Garrett at garretts [at] grayson [dot] edu or 903.463.8734.

What if there are no courses that fit my schedule?

Some courses may be taken for Honors credit through an "Independent Honors Contract." It is up to the discretion of each professor whether they are willing to offer their courses for honors credit via a contract. All Independent Honors Contracts must be approved by the Honors College Coordinator. 

How does a student enter GC's Honors College?

There are several entry options for joining the Honors College:

  • Be a high school graduate with an ACT score of 23 or SAT score of 1070
  • Have a college cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • If GPA/test scores are below requirements, students can attempt one semester (with Honors course) at Grayson and earn a 3.0 semester GPA to gain admittance

How does a student succeed and graduate from GC's Honors College?

  • Continued enrollment in at least one honors section (3 credit hours) per long semester totaling 12 credit hours
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Earn a B or higher in Honors courses
  • Engage in Honors College service learning activities
  • No violation of GC's academic integrity policy or disciplinary code

What are the Benefits for Honors College Students?

  • Eligible to apply for the Grayson Honors Scholarship
  • Mentoring by professors teaching honors sections
  • Additional advising from GC's Honors College Coordinator
  • Special invitations to campus activities designed to improve your academic experience
  • Extra encouragement for increased academic performance and retention
  • Have Honors courses noted on your official transcript
  • Recognition at graduation as an Honors College graduate
  • Greater academic success upon transfer
  • Possible scholarship opportunities with University transfers