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CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q:  Which students are eligible to receive Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) student emergency funds?

A:  Only students who are or could be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), may receive emergency financial aid grants. If a student has filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), then the student has demonstrated eligibility to participate in programs under Section 484 the HEA. Students who have not filed a FAFSA but who are eligible to file a FAFSA also may receive emergency financial aid grants.

Q:  May I receive HEERF student emergency funds if I'm an International or Undocumented (DACA) student?

A:  The Department of Education's April 21, 2020 guidance states that students must meet Title IV eligibility requirements in order to receive HEERF-student share funds. Therefore, international and undocumented students are not eligible to receive emergency grants. 

Q:  Do I have to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to receive HEERF student emergency funds?

A:  While the Department of Education's guidance does not require a FAFSA, having completed one would be the only practicable way for Grayson College to determine that you are eligible to participated in the Title IV programs and meet all of the applicable student eligibility requirements.

Q:  Students must be Title IV eligible.  What does that mean?

A:  Section 484 of the Higher Education Act states that:

  • U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, or eligible non-citizen
  • Valid Social Security Number
  • Registered with Selective Service (if you are male)
  • Have a High School Diploma or GEDNot have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations.
  • Enrolled in a regular academic program, degree or certificate
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Not in default or owe an overpayment for a federal student loan and/or grant
  • File "as part of the original financial aid application process" a certification that includes
    • A statement of educational purpose
    • Student's SSN
  • Have returned fraudulently obtained Title IV funds if convicted of or pled guilty or no contest to charges
  • Not have fraudulently received Title IV loans in excess of annual or aggregate limits
  • Have repaid Title IV loan amounts in excess of annual or aggregate limits if obtained inadvertently

Q:  Can schools apply student emergency grants to a student's account to pay off an outstanding balance?

A:  No.  These funds must be distributed directly to the student.

Q:  How long will it take for me to receive my emergency grant funds?

A:  The Business Office will be responsible for disbursing funds to students through the normal preferred disbursement method (direct deposit or check). Expected disbursement dates are as follows:

  • Fall 16-week and 1st 8-week session:  October 2, 2020
  • Fall 2nd 8-week session:  November 13, 2020
  • Fall mini sessions:  January 15, 2021

Q:  Do I have to repay the emergency grant funds?

A:  No.  These emergency grant funds are not loans and do not have to be repaid.

Q:  Do I have to be making satisfactory academic process (SAP) to qualify for emergency grants?

A:  Yes.  Students that are on Financial Aid Suspension do not qualify for emergency grant funds.  This includes students who are on suspension for max timeframe.

Q:  How will I be notified if I received the CARES Act emergency grant funds?

A:  The Office of Financial Aid will send you an award letter via your MyViking email prior to funds being released by the Business Office.  You can also view the award on your MyViking account.

Q:  How much emergency grant aid can I receive?

A:  The maximum a student can be awarded $500.  This cover the entire umbrella of the semester (16-week, 1st 8-week, 2nd 8-week, mini), not individual terms. If additional assistance is needed, you may apply online through Grayson Cares.

Q:  How will I receive the emergency grant funds?

A:  You will receive the emergency grant funds through your normal preferred disbursement method, direct deposit or check.  Please visit the E-Cashier page for more information.

Q:  Will HEERF emergency financial aid grants be counted as income for the calculation of expected family contribution (EFC) or estimated financial assistance(EFA)?

A:  No.  The Department of Education's guidance clarifies that any aid received by victims of an emergency by either a federal or state entity for purposes of providing financial relief will not be counted as income for the calculation of EFC, or as EFA.

Q:  Is there any other funding available?

A:  Yes.  If you have not already applied for Financial Aid, you can do so by completing a FAFSA Application online.  If you have already completed a FAFSA application and there has been a change of circumstance (Ie, income), you can complete a change of circumstance request.  Please visit the Financial Aid forms page for required documentation.  You may also apply for scholarships.  Please visit the Scholarship page for additional information.

Last Updated: September 2, 2020

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