Course Crosswalk Options
The following table is a listing of possible course crosswalk options. Please contact your ESC Region Representative for considerations particular to your school.
Course Title | Course Number | Credit Hours | HS Course | PEIMS # | ABBR |
Intro to Accounting | ACNT 1303 | 3 | Accounting 1 | 13016600 | BEGACCT1 |
Intro to Accounting II | ACNT 1304 | 3 | Accounting 2 | 13016700 | ADVACCT1 |
Horticulture | AGRI 1307 | Horticultural Science | 13002000 | ||
Intro Animal Science | AGRI 1319 | 3 | Adv Animal Science | 13000700 | ADVANSCI |
Agricultural Economics | AGRI 2317 | 3 | Agribusiness Management & Marketing | 13000900 | |
Art Appreciation | ARTS 1301 | 3 | Art I, Art II, Art III | 03500110 03500200 03500300 | ART1, ART2, ART3 |
Biology for Sci Majors I | BIOL 1306/1106 | 4 | Biology A | 3010200 | BIO |
Biology for Sci Majors I I | BIOL 1307/1107 | 4 | Biology B | 3010200 | BIO |
Anatomy & Physiology I | BIOL 2301/2101 | 4 | Anatomy & Physiology | 13020600 | ANAT & PHY |
Anatomy & Physiology II | BIOL 2302/2102 | 4 | Anatomy & Physiology | 13020600 | ANAT & PHY |
Anatomy & Physiology | BIOL 2404 | 4 | Anatomy & Physiology | 13020600 | ANAT & PHY |
Sanitation and Safety | CHEF 1205 | 2 | Culinary Arts I | 13022600 | CULARTS |
Basic Food Prep | CHEF 1301 | 3 | Advanced Culinary Arts | 13022650 | ADVCULARTS |
General Chemistry I | CHEM1411 | 4 | Scientific Research & Design II | 13037210 | |
General Chemistry II | CHEM1412 | 4 | Scientific Research & Design II | 13037210 | |
Introduction to Computing | COSC 1301 | 3 | Principles of Info Tech | 13027200 | PRINIT |
Intro to Computing | COSC1301 | 3 | BIM II Fund. of Computer Science | 13011500 3580140 | TAFCS |
Intro to Comp Maint | CPMT 1311 | 3 | Computer Maintenance | 13027300 | CMPTMAINT |
Computer Systems Maint | CPTM 1345 | 3 | Computer Technician | 13027500 | COMPTECH |
Introduction to Criminal Justice | CRIJ 1301 | 3 | Law Enforcement I | 13029300 | LAWENF1 |
Court Systems & Criminal Procedures | CRIJ 1306 | 3 | Court Systems & Practices | 13029600 | COURTSP |
Fund of Criminal Law | CRIJ 1310 | 3 | Principles of Law, Public Safety | 13029200 | PRINLPCS |
Orientation to Cosmetology | CSME 1401 | 4 | Intro to Cosmotology | 13025100 | INTRCOSM |
Fundamentals of Cosmetology | CSME 1405 | 4 | Intro to Cosmotology | 13025100 | INTRCOSM |
Manicuring and Related Theory | CSME 1443 | 4 | Cosmetology 1A | 13025200 | CSMET 2 |
Theory & Practice | CSME 1451 | 4 | Cosmetology 1B | 13025200 | CSMET 1 |
Chem Reformation & Theory | CSME 1453 | 4 | Cosmetology 1A | 13025200 | CSMET 1 |
Salon Development | CSME 2343 | 3 | Cosmetology II C | 13025300 | CSMET 2 |
Prin. Of Hair Coloring | CSME 2401 | 4 | Cosmetology II B | 13025300 | CSMET 2 |
Prep for State Licensing Exam | CSME 2441 | 4 | Cosmetology II C | 13025300 | CSMET 2 |
Intro Hair Cutting | CSME1310 | 3 | Intro Cosmetology | 13025100 | INTCOSMO |
Orientation Cosmetol | CSME1401 | 4 | Cosmetology I | 13025200 | COSMET1 |
Fund of Cosmetology | CSME1405 | 4 | Cosmetology II | 13025300 | COSMET2 |
Manicuring & Realted Theory | CSME1443 | 4 | Cosmetology II | 13025300 | |
Principles of Skin Care | CSME1447 | 4 | Cosemetology II | 13025300 | |
Chemical Reformation | CSME1553 | 5 | Cosmetology II | 13025300 | COSMET2 |
Prep for TX Dept of Licensing & Regulations | CSME2441 | 4 | Cosemetology II | 13025300 | |
Principles of Hair Coloring | CSME2501 | 5 | Cosmetology II | 13025300 | |
Blueprint Reading | DFTG 1325 | 3 | Advanced Manu | 13032900 | ADVMANU |
Intro to Theatre | DRAM 1310 | 3 | Theater I | 3250100 | TH I |
Principles of Macroeconomics | ECON 2301 | 3 | Economics | 3310300 | ECO |
Intro to Elect Safety | ELPT 1221 | 2 | Electronics | 13036800 | ELECT |
Basic Electrical Theory | ELPT 1311 | 3 | Electronics | 13036800 | ELECT |
Motor Control | ELPT 1411 | 4 | Manufacturing ELEC | 13032900 | ADVMANU |
Composition I | ENGL 1301 | 3 | ENGL III A or IV A | 03220300 or 03220400 | ENG 3 or ENG 4 |
Composition II | ENGL 1302 | 3 | ENGL III B or IV B | 03220300 or 03220400 | ENG 3 or ENG 4 |
British Literature I | ENGL2322 | 3 | English III - A English IV - A Independent Studies X times taken | 03220300 03220400 03221800 03221810 03221820 | ENG3, ENG4, IND ENG, IND ENG2, IND ENG 3 |
British Lit II | ENGL2323 | 3 | English III - B English IV - B Independent Studies X times taken | 03220300 03220400 03221800 03221810 03221820 | ENG3, ENG4, IND ENG, IND ENG2, IND ENG 3 |
American Literature | ENGL2326 | 3 | English III - A or B English IV - A or B Independent Studies X times taken | 03220300 03220400 03221800 03221810 03221820 | ENG3, ENG4, IND ENG, IND ENG2, IND ENG 3, |
Federal Government | GOVT 2305 | 3 | US GOVT | 3330100 | GOVT |
Texas Government | GOVT 2306 | 3 | Social Studies Adv Studies | 3380001 | SS ADV |
Federal Govt | GOVT2305 | 3 | US Govermnet | 03330100 | GOVT |
Texas Government | GOVT2306 | 3 | Social Studies Advanced Studies | 03380001 | SSAVD1 |
Basic Electricity for HVAC | HART 1401 | 4 | Electrical Technology | 13005600 | ELECTECH |
Refrigeration Principles | HART 1407 | 4 | Refrigeration TECH | 13005800 | REFRIGTECH |
United States HIST I | HIST 1301 | 3 | US History A or Social Studies Adv Studies | 03310100 or 03380001 | US HIST or SS ADV |
United States HIST II | HIST 1302 | 3 | US History B or Social Studies Adv Studies | 03310100 or 03380001 | US HIST or SS ADV |
World Civ II | HIST 2322 | 3 | World History B Humanities Special Topics in SS X Time Taken | 03340400 03221600 03380002 03380022 03380032 | W HIST HUMANIT SPTSS SPTSS2 SPTSS3 |
U.S. History I | HIST1301 | 3 | US History - A | 03340100 | US HIST |
U.S. History II | HIST1302 | 3 | US History - B | 03340100 | US HIST |
Medical Terminology | HITT 1205 | 2 | Medical Terminology | 13020300 | MEDTERM |
Intro to Humanities | HUMA 1301 | 3 | Humanities | 3221600 | HUMANIT |
College Algebra | MATH 1314 | 3 | Pre-Cal or Independent Studies in Math | 03100600 or 03101100 | PRE CAL or INSTUMTH |
Elementary Statistical Method | MATH 1342 | 3 | Independent Studies in Math | 3101100 | INSTUMTH |
Pre-Calculus | MATH 2312 | 3 | Pre-Calculus (A) or (B), Independent Studies in Math: X Time Taken |
03101100 03102500 03102501 03102502 | PRE CALC INSTUMTH INSTMTH2 INSTMTH3 |
Calculus I | MATH 2413 | 4 | Independent Studies in Math | 3101100 | INSTUMTH |
Calculus II | MATH 2414 | 4 | Independent Studies in Math | 3101100 | INSTUMTH 2 |
Basic Machine Shop | MCHN 1438 | 4 | Manufacturing Engineering A | 13032900 | MANUENG |
Intermediate Machine Shop | MCHN 1454 | 4 | Manufacturing Engineering B | 13032900 | MANUENG |
Music Appreciation | MUSI 1306 | 3 | Music Studies | 3155600 | MUSSMA |
Intro to Physical Fitness & Wellness | PHED 1164 | 1 | Foundations of Personal Fitness | PE S00052 | PEFOUND |
Personal/Community Health | PHED 1304 | 3 | Health Education | 3810100 | HLTH ED |
General Psycology | PSYC 2301 | 3 | Psychology | 3350100 | PSYCH |
General Psychology | PSYC2301 | 3 | Psychology | 03350100 | PSYCH |
Child Psychology | PSYC2308 | 3 | Child Development | 13024700 | CHILDEV |
Lifespan Grwth & Dev | PSYC2314 | 3 | Interpersonal Studies | 13024400 | INTERSTU |
Quality Assurance | QCTC 1343 | 3 | Advanced Manu | 13032600 | ADVMANU |
Introduction to Sociology | SOCI 1301 | 3 | Sociology | 3370100 | SOC |
Intro Sociology | SOCI1301 | 3 | Sociology | 03370100 | SOC |
Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN 2311 | 3 | Spanish II or III | 03440200 or 03440300 | SPAN 2 or 3 |
Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 2312 | 3 | Spanish IIIor IV | 03440300 or 03440400 | SPAN 3 or 4 |
Beginning Spanish I | SPAN1411 | 4 | Spanish II or Spanish I if no prior Spanish has been taken | 03440100 03440200 | SPAN1 SPAN2 |
Beginning Spanish II | SPAN1412 | 4 | Spanish III or Spanish II if no prior Spanish has been taken | 03440100 03440200 | SPAN1 SPAN2 |
Intro Speech Communication | SPCH 1311 | 3 | Public Speaking or Prof. Communications | 03240900 or 13009900 | PUBSPKG1 or PROFCOMM |
Public Speaking | SPCH1315 | 3 | Public Speaking Prof. Commun. Speech Commun. |
03240900 13009900 03241400 | PUBSPKG1 PROFCOMM COMMAPP |
Inro Welding Fundamentals | WLDG 1421 | 4 | Welding | 13032300 | WELD |
Intro Shielded Metal Arc Weld | WLDG 1428 | 4 | Advanced Welding A | 13032400 | ADV WELD |
Intermed. Shielded Metal Arc Welding | WLDG 1457 | 4 | Advanced Welding B | 13032400 | ADV WELD |
Intro Flux Core Wldg | WLDG1412 | 4 | Advanced Welding | 13032400 | ADVWELD |
Blueprints for Weld | WLDG1413 | 4 | Advanced Welding | 13032400 | ADVWELD |
Intro Wldg Fundamntl | WLDG1421 | 4 | Welding | 13032300 | WELD |
Intro Shld Metal Arc | WLDG1428 | 4 | Adv Precision Metal | 13032600 | ADVPMM |